
Showing posts from June, 2005


I've been sadly dilinquent in my blogging. It's been DAYS since my last posting. I'll try to do better. Screwing up a presentation is sometimes not a bad thing. It sometimes presents opportunities for learning that would not otherwise present itself. Like the thing about the groups today - so now everyone understands about formative evaluation and fixing up mistakes at runtime. I hope everyone is gonna read this - I would like people to know this about me. I hate critisism. I like being perfect, and for everyone to think that I am. But no one ever learns anything if you already know everything, so making a mistake is an opportunity for learning the proper way. So I always listen to criticism, with a distinguishing ear. I disregard what is not valid criticism, because I am mature enough to distinguish, and then I learn from the valid criticism, because I am mature enough. So please criticise me, and even if I react badly when you do - I WILL HEAR what you say. I still prefer

On Faith

When I met God, I simply loved Him. I would talk to Him, sit with Him, listen to Him, be with Him. That would be enough. Soon I realised I needed more. I wanted to know more, do more, be more. So I studied with learned scholars. And read intricate writings. And conducted lengthy discourses. And then I found the truth. I realised that I simply loved Him. So I talk to Him, sit with Him, listen to Him, be with Him. That is enough. So, a person who knows what to do, AND does it, is like a the man who has built his house on a rock...