
Showing posts from 2005


I had a long talk with Princess Nina tonight. We got to where she told me of some friends who had lived in Scotland until recently. They told the Princess that they were the youngest couple in church. And they're only forty-ish. So we started talking. Of course, I think churches are dying simply because God no longer rules in those 'churches' - if that's what you want to call them. So she told me of all the godly things people do, in the quiet, in her congregation. Truly amazing. That's where she sees God's love. She told me that she finds rest there. So for a moment, I couldn't answer - all I could think of was: I want more than that. I want to meet with God when I go to church. I want to see Him in action. Signs and wonders. I want to be with Him. And later, over doing the dishes, I got to thinking some more. About those churches in Scotland. About their members probably also being able to tell of godly things people do. Truly amazing things. That they fin


I've been sadly dilinquent in my blogging. It's been DAYS since my last posting. I'll try to do better. Screwing up a presentation is sometimes not a bad thing. It sometimes presents opportunities for learning that would not otherwise present itself. Like the thing about the groups today - so now everyone understands about formative evaluation and fixing up mistakes at runtime. I hope everyone is gonna read this - I would like people to know this about me. I hate critisism. I like being perfect, and for everyone to think that I am. But no one ever learns anything if you already know everything, so making a mistake is an opportunity for learning the proper way. So I always listen to criticism, with a distinguishing ear. I disregard what is not valid criticism, because I am mature enough to distinguish, and then I learn from the valid criticism, because I am mature enough. So please criticise me, and even if I react badly when you do - I WILL HEAR what you say. I still prefer

On Faith

When I met God, I simply loved Him. I would talk to Him, sit with Him, listen to Him, be with Him. That would be enough. Soon I realised I needed more. I wanted to know more, do more, be more. So I studied with learned scholars. And read intricate writings. And conducted lengthy discourses. And then I found the truth. I realised that I simply loved Him. So I talk to Him, sit with Him, listen to Him, be with Him. That is enough. So, a person who knows what to do, AND does it, is like a the man who has built his house on a rock...